Ariana & Jarred

November 16, 2024 • Newton, NJ

Ariana & Jarred

November 16, 2024 • Newton, NJ

Our Story

Summer 2016

Picture of Summer 2016

It all started in the summer of 2016. Ariana was out in California on vacation when she got an Instagram message notification saying "Just tryin to figure I know you?". She right away recognized the name as Jarred was friends with her best friend Briana, so she replied mentioning their mutual friend, and the conversation continued into them eventually planning to go on their first date when Ariana returned from her trip.

The couple went on several dates throughout the summer of 2016. They immediately hit it off and made it official on August 15th.

Through College

Picture of Through College

Ariana and Jarred continued to date long distance when Jarred moved up to Boston for school. They made frequent trips back and forth and it seemed as if the distance only made their bond stronger.


Picture of 2020-2022
In the spring of 2020, Jarred graduated from Northeastern and moved back home to New Jersey. He and Ariana loved getting to spend so much more time together! During this time they got the chance to travel to several new places and enjoy different hobbies and activities together.

New Year's Day 2023

Picture of New Year's Day 2023

After the holidays in 2022, Ariana and Jarred took their annual trip down to Naples, FL with his family and had planned to spend a night of that trip in Key West. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary to Ariana as this has been a tradition for them. But on New Year's Day they had planned to watch the sunset on Ft. Zachary Taylor beach in Key West before heading to dinner. Since watching the sunset is very typical in Key West, Ariana still did not have any suspicions. It was when Jarred suggested the two take a walk to "find the best view" that he would get down on one knee and pop the question. Ariana was so surprised! They both truly could not be happier!